Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Why Your Temperature is Low and Your Thyroid Test is Normal

What I posted tonight on

Unfortunately, you will not find answers with the regular doctors 06/13/07 02:27 AM

The regular doctors tell MANY people who have thyroid problems that they are normal, when in fact, they are not. The tests are flawed. They are based on a sampling of the population, many of who have low thyroids. When they do a bell curve, the people in the very middle are considered normal and the ones on the ends, the abnormal. But, my body doesn't work on arbitrary numbers, and I don't think yours does either. After 3 months of having a normal temperature I intend to go get a NORMAL readout for ME, to have in my files, so that anyone who tells me I am normal when I am not, has another think coming!

Does CFS and thyroid or Fibro and thyroid have a relation?? YES it does, and you could get a whole lot more well if you know that, and if you solve it. In fact, the thyroid controls the immune system, cancer defenses, bone health, and the rate of tooth decay or remineralization. If your thyroid goes, your liver can get clogged and your adrenal glands can burn out.

I have had a slow thyroid since at least 1996, maybe even back to 1992 or 1992. now that I have some insight into symptomology of when CFS began for me. I have tried and tried to get answers from doctors, and hate to break it you, but they don't have answers. Even with a naturopathic doctor who understood how to properly diagnose me for the underlying conditions, and DID find that I was hypothyroid when the regular doctors said my tests were normal, hasn't provided me as many answers as I would have liked on this topic. It came down to finding answers serendipitously.

I found that BarleyLife with kelp, will boost the thyroid. It does the same for my mom, who also is low thyroid. It's expensive, and I don't always have the money for it, so I have been trying to find ways to get iodine in my diet instead of buying supplements. I did find that Powerhouse: the Original 32 works for thyroid boosting (I posted the address on the web and you can find it with google), but only if you have adequate amounts of alkaline minerals in your body. Because BarleyLife also alkalinizes, it helps the iodine to absorb. The iodine has such a high atomic weight that it doesn't absorb until the alkalinity is nearly perfect--got that fact off of a website and didn't understand how to fix my thyroid problem till I read that. Eating raw fruits and vegetables alkalinizes.

The non-supplement way of boosting thyroid, which I have just done just now, this past week:

Along with alkalinizing with your fresh fruits and vegetables, eat seaweed and/or seafood and fish. Anything from the sea has iodine in it. I started with tuna as I ate it when a friend was waving it in my face teasing me about it, and it ended up making me warmer. I researched why, and it turns out it has iodine in it, and that all fish do. Why have I never heard that from my doctors?

Separately, I discovered that Kombu and strips of Wakame seaweed tasted good enough to go whole hog on, and that it boosted my temperature too. So then I ate Kombu, Wakame, and Tuna, three times a day for a week and on the sixth day my temperature reached 98.6. It had been 96.5 before I began, and would have been been lower if I had not been doing tuna sporadically after I found out by accident that it made me warmer. Tuna, however, people tell me, has mercury in it. I am going to try other fish that are less contaminated.

Hope this is helpful to you as it is for me, to know this information. There is a thyroid epidemic out there and I refuse to be part of it any longer.

A low thyroid makes high cholesterol, which makes heart attacks. A low thyroid in old age makes dementia. The blood circulates through the thyroid every 17 minutes, and if there is iodine in the thyroid, then it sterilizes the blood from pathogens and whatnot.




1 comment:

Russell Moris said...

It's nice to meet you Alyssalyn. I was told by my doctor that I have hypothyroidism. I don't really have any symptoms but I keep on taking my natural thyroid supplements for sure.