Thursday, February 28, 2008

There is a time for everything

Generally speaking, I have been against doing anything to promote credit cards for bad credit, because of the rates and I won't write to promote things that harm people. However, as a lender now in a peer to peer lending marketplace, I can see that there is a need for people to start out somewhere when they are trying to restablish their credit, and I also see that there are worse things than 29% APR rates (predatory loans with far worse rates). Sometimes people can be in jams with their health, as is the topic of this blog - and sometimes credit is a very necessary thing. Whether or not you are responsible when you get a lender who takes a chance on you for a bad credit card is up to you. But you have the chance, with the choice of offers, to re-establish your credit.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Taking care of yourself

One of the most important things a person can do is to take care of themselves first. Why would a person not want to, anyway?

But I see so many people, particular in my line of work as a caregiver, who neglect themselves. As a result, their energy levels decline, and people get frustrated with them because a load of stress gets put on others when they do not do what they need to do.

From firsthand experience, I know how important it is to take care of oneself first and worry about others later, if at all. Burnout can be caused by taking on too many worries, concerns, and responsibilities. The wisdom of vitality is to know your limits, and to know what responsibilities to shirk - the ones that aren't yours to take on.

Garlic, for sinusitis

It seems that one thing or another is always tripping my sinusitis. Usually, it is wheat, potatoes, or oatmeal, or some food additive. This time it was buckwheat. That is surprising. Basically, any food that is gluey in nature does this to me. Also, anything with sugar does too. It causes a type of candida reaction in me.

So, it was back to the garlic. For the uninitiated, garlic can help cut the candida reaction and return you back to the land of clear noses. My nose is clear due to the raw garlic I had yesterday on top of my lentil soup. Thank goodness!

Tension and pain in my back

I had a kink in my back after the day of shaking during a stress reaction. It felt like some nerves were kinked. No matter what I did, I could not get comfortable. I tried using my ladybug massager to work it out, but it persisted. Desperate, and not having money in the budget for a massage, I tried something else. I took a hot shower and let it run on my back. I have not experienced that pain since. That's a trick to remember!

Parsley, an adrenal booster/dreaming more by eating parsley

I dream much more when I eat parsley. In October 2007, I noticed this, but thought maybe it was a fluke. But I ate a whole bunch of parsley last night for adrenal gland function (what gives energy), and noticed a whole bunch of bizarre dreams. It was anything from poodles stuck under a cellar door, to little boys barfing on the edge of a pool and everyone in the pool having to get out because of it. For me, I know for a fact, that if I dream, I feel well, and if I don't dream, I am in need of working on my health. The parsley helps me dream and to have energy.

Interesting sleep trick: Black Tea to prevent napping?

I've been having a split sleep schedule for months now. I end up napping for 1-3 hours a day, and then staying awake. Then I end up going to bed between 2 and 3 am. I then get up at 6, 7, or 8 for work, and am sleepy during the morning till about 12. Last night was the first night in months that I have slept 7 hours at one time. The thing that I did differently was to have black tea when I was scrapbooking (that has caffeine). I would like to try this again ... to see if it can help me normalize my sleep by the caffeine helping keep me awake during that lag time where my body wants to nap.

The biofeedback program helps stress levels and ability to relax

In the wake of stressful events, using my biofeedback program has been helpful to control the stress reactions I am having to hearing about a cut in hours. The screen shows you a pink pearl if you are not relaxed. It shows you a blue pearl if you are relaxed. It knows this because of the sensors you wear on your hands which measure your heartbeat.

An underlying cause for my health issues - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - was the inability to manage stress before it got to me. The biofeedback helped last night to be able to return me to a state of relaxation.